How to setup to view the camera on phone APP

Applies to: DVR-7104M, DVR-7108M

Step 1:Connect the system with internet

A : How to connect DVR to LAN

 Connect the DVR with Modem via Ethernet cable

B: Setup the internet on DVR:

1.Right click the mouse>main menu>network

2.Please DHCP enable, OK to save changes, restart the DVR.


3.Check if the DVR connect with internet successfully.

Right click the mouse to get into DVR main menu>version>Nat status, only the Nat status says “connected, The DVR have internet access

If the Nat status says connecting, pls reboot your router and DVR and setup the DVR netword again until it says connected.

Step 2: Download the APP

 Scanning the QR code:

How to find the DVR QR code: right click mouse get into DVR main menu>Netword>Cloud


Step 3: Add DVR info

A: Tap click local login


B: Login the App, Tap Device Manage > Tap + button.


C: Config the following:

1.Name: make your own name.

2.Device ID: DVR SerialNo,you can find the SerialNo: main menu>version>SerialNo

Or scan “remote access” QR code.

3.User ID: admin

4.Password: DVR login Password (default: No password, leave it blank)

5.Channel: 4 or 8

And click Add

Then click live preview, you will view the cameras on your phone.